

It's an old adage,one we are all familiar with,"what comes around goes around" or do I have it backwards?doesn't really matter,you all know what I mean.
Or do you?what comes to your mind when you hear that phrase or see it written here?
To some,it is a ideology for revenge,and I must admit that I have,more than once, thought of it in that connotation myself.However,those moments thankfully are rare,and I am both proud and happy to say,are getting rarer and rarer as I live a more "civilized life style" these days
I would like to think that most of us think of passing on a good deed,or returning a favour when we come across those words.

For the longest time though I thought of them as God or the fates or who ever the hell in charge of this mess,seeking revenge upon me.
It is no secret that I have not lead the best of lives,and I certainly have had my share of tragedies to show for it.
I took comfort today in some words I read,they are in regards to life being unfair,of the price we must all seem to pay s we lose love ones or other hardships befall us.Those words,I dicovered,where written by someone I could relate to,some one I could trust:

"Life is of course not fair,and the loses we face are often higher then we think is should be due.
However,I will glady accept those loses,as they are part of the admission costs of life,and the more expensive the ticket,they better the show!"
Of course by now you all recognize the genius in those words and know who wrote them,so I will say no more,the guy's head is already to big!
I like to think of those words,"what comes around goes around" as not some philosophical debate,but as a simple code to live by,as in the oft misquoted bible verus dealing with due on to others,as you....I know I am misquoting,I could look it up,but better that you do,then the lesson will be better taught(that some advice from Socrates I believe)
I have a prime example of what I mean,it was just a day or so ago I was writting an email to a friend,and I was telling of my concern with having enough tobacco to last me until my next disability cheque,when I was interrupted by a knock on my door.
I live in a neighbour hood where we are carefull of who we open our doors to,and although I recognized the person as to being a next door neighbor,he was not some one I knew.
Throwing caution to the wind,and keeping my one hand in back pocket(never again to I go down without a fight) I open the door.It did not take me long to regret my decision,not that I was in danger of being robbed again,but by the request i was hearing from my new friends mouth,"Bro, are out of smokes,can you help a guy out?
Pulling out my pouch,and explaining that that was all i had,and no prospect of getting more anytime soon,I gave him exactly half of what I had,and his words to me were"cool dude,what goes around ya know" and he was gone.Not for one minute did I think about what I had done,not for one second did I regret my actions,I simply never thought about it again.
I was not at all surprise when about four hours later,the same neighbour appeared at my door,returning not only what he had borrowed,but insuring that I had enough to last me until I can hook up again.It wasn't a planned thing,when he had borrowed from me,he had no idea he could pay me back that quickly no it was just one of those things that keep happening,for those of us who have learnt the lesson of what comes around goes around.
Give more than you can afford,give for today,tomorrow will look after it's self.These are the lesson I learnt while on the street,and they hold true even more so now that I am living on a very fixed income(still waiting for the first cheque from Google,they pay "thirty days from the end of the first month that your earnings have reached $100.00,which for me was the end of August,so....)
I gave that tobacco fully expecting that things would work out,and if they did not,I would just have to get of my ass and limp around and pick up some butts off the street,and not for the first time.There is a gold mine of butts on our street here,ever since the government banned smoking in all public buildings.The fact that the same guy who borrowed was my salvation was due to the sudden and unexpected arrival of out of town guests to his home,and they of course came with the traditional offering of tobacco.
I know this story no earth shattering revelation,and it certainly will not bring any writing awards,I just thought that after last weeks DAY AT THE BEACH it would be a nice change.Couple that to the fact i am very tired right now,means that this is getting published in this horrible rough state,and i will hopefully edit it tomorrow,but for now,here is the promised page.


At 1:46 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You say that this ism't no earth shattering revelation, but it is to me, it is relating something so important, and has shown that when you are not afraid to share equally, something that is so important to you, then the law of life will make sure and reward you ten-fold. This is a remarkable story to prove that it works.
Well done Doug... as usual xXx


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