

FRONT PAGE: you will land on this page whenever you activate a link to the CONTINUING ADVENTURES,however the contents of this page do not change,that is except for the link to the latest offering which is right here!
MISSION STATEMENT:a summary describing the aims, values, and overall plan of an organization or individual.
The phrase took on an almost cult meaning when it entered pulp culture with the release of the Tom Cruise movie "Jerry McQuire".
When the character Jerry McQuire wrote his Mission Statement it lead to his losing his job,which in true Hollywood fashion opened a new door of opportunity which after an epic struggle with conscience,was fully realized and they all lived happy ever after.

I hope this will lead me to some open doors and that I am wise enough to go through them at the proper time,so if any of you kind readers know of an editor somewhere looking for a freelance writer,put me in touch!Or better yet,a Hollywood producer who is interested in my life story!.I can only think of Mickey Rourke as the star,it is definitely a " Barfly (1987)" type of movie,where Rourke plays Henry Chinaski,a poet and alcoholic.I certainly can see a similarity between Chinaski and myself.
Perhaps before I go granting myself the Pulitzer Prize we should first take a minute for you to get to know me,and just what I mean by

the INDIVIDUAL I am an ex-con,ex-drug dealer,ex-thief,ex-forger,possibly(never proven!) armed robber,ex-fraud wrangler and adulterer.I have even been accused of murder(cleared thank you)
I am a recovering DRUG ADDICT,I woke up in the hospital a week after the police kicked in my doors and found me"dead"on the floor.This near death experience lead me to a better understanding of just what constitutes a real MIRACLE!

First and foremost my goals are to remain clean and sober,giving thanks everyday for my life and my newly regained family,but then:

I intend to depress you,make you sad,perhaps even to cry.
I intend to elate you and make you smile,perhaps even to laugh.
I intend to annoy you, anger you,perhaps even enrage
I intend to soothe and adjust you,perhaps even elate
I intend most of all to absorb, beguile, captivate, charm, cheer, comfort, crack up, delight, distract, divert, ecstasize, elate, engross, enliven, enthral, gladden, grab, gratify, humor, indulge, inspire, inspirit, interest, knock dead, make merry, occupy, pique, please, recreate, regale, relax, satisfy, slay, solace, stimulate and tickle you or in short,(why didn't I just say it?)
I have learned a lot in the past few years,and the one thing that I have learned best of all(other then to stay breathing!) is that I will never be done educating myself,and to my great surprise and relief the excitement of learning is as fresh to me as to a new toddler.The mind is a muscle after all,the more I use mine,the better I feel,and the more inspired I get to write,and I have learned from a friend that I have a certain degree of talent,and that the words I write can have a positive influence on people.I hope to be able to pass on some valuable life lessons,and some inspiration,but do it in an entertain manner that will keep you coming back week after week,and that you will help me in my Quest for yet more readers,as they are needed for the next part of my plan to succeed.


I must admit,that when I first started blogging,my goals were not as altruistic as they are now.Although I was(and am) living on an extremely small disability cheque,I had some stock certificates and was determined I would be able to buy my children their first homes and to leave them a future that would just be a little more secure then without me.

I first started with a piece on the stock market and I was all pumped up with the idea that I was a brilliant stock guru of some kind.

I took that small legacy from my beloved Auntie,and after splitting it with my children and their mother,I invested the remaining few thousand in the volatile OTC BB and PK stock markets.As with most things in my life,as soon as it was obvious that I was going to be successful,I did something to screw it up.The story as been told so many times I refuse to repeat it,lets just say I left a PC on while I was in the hospital and some one cleaned me out.

I still intend to make right by my children,to be able to leave the groceries the food bank gives me for the single mother with the three hungry children who stare at me so accusingly,to be able to buy a warm winter jacket rather then beg for hand outs at the churches,to never again have to walk the streets looking for cigarette butts,(I know,quit,well one drug at a time okay?)or dig in the garbage bins for re-refundable bottles so I can make the phone and IP payment( it was a donation,and if it was any slower...the PC,not me!)My beloved daughter offers me all that I lack,but since I turned my back on her and her sister for sixteen years,I will never take from her.It would be like stealing from my granddaughters piggy bank or something.

My search and research into internet marketing lead me to the idea of pay par click ads,and I read of the thousands of dollars just waiting for me.Now I have been around enough to know when I am being snowed,so other then accepting the idea that I would have to work at it like nothing I ever had before,I never for a second thought that there were thousands waiting.

Roughly 1.2% of readers on a normal visit will be inclined to open up an ad site,that is of first time visitors,returning visitors are even less likely.The average payment is(now that Google as gone) is going to be around a dime.Ten cents.100 visitors means 12 cents.In other words,unless there is someway of attracting 10,000 visitors a day(not impossible),I will not be earning even a rudimentary living from these endeavours.

At the moment,without having a a couple years to build up a large and loyal readership who actively helps bringing in new ones,what other steps can I take?

I could call up all my old drinking buddies and go at get drunk,or look for a way to increase that 1.2%,and to have returning visitors show interest in the ads as well.

And what magic phrase must I intone in order to bring this about?Not magic,logic.If logic dictates that 1.2% will open an ad site ,then having two DIFFERENT ads,should entice 2.4%,follow me?

When first started writing,it was all about the stock market,and I announced my presence to stock market groups.Logic,and Adsense placed relative ads that would be of interest to the readers,and at that time my click rate some days approached 10%.

Here,with you,I do not have the luxury of breaking you down into demographic groups and present ads that would be in your field,as you are a cross section os society,representing every race and creed,and most countries of the world.I have the good fortune to have as a traffic reporter,and they have a feature that everytime I look at it,my heart swells a little with pride and wonderment.They show a flat map of the globe,and little points of light shine at each place a PC as ME on their screens.It is humbling,but also informative.I am thrilled to see I have readers,right NOW in Canada,USA,UK,points all over Europe and Asia(the maps show no country names,just landmass) a few scattered in Africa,a lot in India.I see Japan,Australia's,New Zealand,New Quinea( or what ever it is called now)Taiwan,and one lonely isolated spark in China.If my readership is spread globally,how can I place relative ads in front of you?

It is impossible,with any one ad agent,and that is why I have four different ones on this page covering as many topics as possible.It is only by providing something different for each of you do I have any hope of rising my 12 cents per hundred visitor to an acceptable level of around ten.That is my monetary goals,however the emotional and inspirational ones go right along with it,as the more successful I become,the less effort I will have to put into simple survival and more into my craft.

So,I hope to be true to my calling of helping others with their addictions,whether they alcohol or drug addiction.I hope to inspire with my religious reawakening,and I hope that I have provided enough advertising of different products and services to raise my 1.2% into a more helpfully 6-7% and that I can include you in the list of people who where helped by one of the commercials,and that you do not let them distract you from the wonderful stories that are on the pages behind this one.May I suggest you start with My Bio and that then you move on to Life of Adventure is ?


At 4:27 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr Forbes you have a story to tell, one that needs to be told. Your talent for expressing your experience with much feeling and emotion will be one that will aid the reader in every sense of the word.
I believe in you, your name is being recognised.

At 10:17 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your blogs are interesting and thought provoking.
I was thinking of my sis today and I thought of you and your blog so I thought I'd see how you are doing. This is great!
Keep it going


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